Vox Journalists

The journalist Matthew Yglesias, a co-founder of Vox, announced today that he is leaving that publication for the paid-newsletter platform Substack, so that he can enjoy more editorial independence. Is an American digital media company that currently has eight editorial brands: SB Nation, The Verge, Polygon, Curbed, Eater, Racked, Vox and Re/code. All Vox Media sites are built on Chorus, its proprietary digital publishing platform.Vox Media, Inc. Is headquartered in Washington, DC and New York, New York with offices in Los Angeles, Chicago, Austin, and San Francisco.

Harry Vox News

Vox Media is an online liberal media company owned by NBCUniversal, comprised of Communist, socialist and SJW activist 'journalists' who use the media to further their own liberal agenda while passing off their creative fiction as 'news'.

One of Vox's most notorious 'journalists' was whiny beta male and open homosexual Carlos Maza, who had notoriously called for conservatives and supporters of Donald Trump to be 'milkshaked'[1] and also used his position to instigate the YouTube 'Adpocalypse' as part of a petty vendetta against conservative commentator Steven Crowder after Crowder commented about Maza's own self-claimed Twitter status as a 'gay wonk' on his Louder with Crowder YouTube show in 2019 (which Maza claimed was 'homophobic' and 'racist'), but when Vox began to see Maza as a liability after he was not satisfied with Crowder simply getting demonetized by YouTube in an attempt to illegally silence him (in violation of the First Amendment) for speaking the truth about Maza[2] and began demanding that YouTube censor all opposing opinions which he did not like and also engaged in childish attacks on his critics on Twitter while refusing to take responsibility for ruining the livelihoods of many independent online content creators[3] (which led to a massive online backlash against both YouTube and Maza in response[2]), the company fired Maza in August 2019 while Crowder's YouTube channel was eventually remonetized one year later.[4]

Vox Journalists

Vox Media has promoted the party switch myth narrative and falsely implied that the early Republican Party began to stray away from fighting for civil rights several decades after its foundation.[5]



Vox Journalism Credibility

  1. ‘Milkshake Them All’: Does This Statement Violate Twitter Policy? at the Daily Caller
  2. 2.02.1‘The power of bullying’: YouTube caves to the Maza Mob, demonetizes Steven Crowder for ‘egregious actions’ at Twitchy
  3. Two references:
    • Carlos Maza Is Trying to Take the Heat Off Himself for Livelihoods Being Ruined (Don't Let Him) at RedState
    • OH no, YOU own this: Carlos Maza tries blaming YouTube for #VoxAdpocalypse but ain’t NOBODY letting him off the hook at Twitchy
  4. VICTORY: YouTube remonetized Steven Crowder's channel and the left is NOT happy about it
  5. How the Republican Party went from Lincoln to Trump. YouTube. Retrieved April 21, 2021.
Liberal Characteristics and Traits
Atheism • Evolutionism • Eugenics • Globalism • Global warming alarmism • Hollywood values • Moral relativism • New age movement • Population control • Professor values • Scientology • Socialism • Values • Wicca
Abortion • Birth control • Affirmative action • Gun control • Homosexual agenda • Income redistribution • Nanny State • Nationalization • Obamacare • Politically correct • Prayer censorship • Social Justice • Statism
Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' • Cloward and Piven Strategy • Biased grading • Censorship • Fake news • Hate speech • Judicial activism • Judicial supremacy • Lies • Liberal intolerance • Liberal logic • Mainstream Media • Myths • Network abuse • Obfuscation • Pay to play • Redefinition • Revisionism • Scientific fascism • Slander • Traps • Tricks • Vandalism • Video game industry
Arrogance • Bias • Bigotry • Bullying • Class warfare • Cronyism • Deceit • Double standard • Denial • Hypocrisy • Journalistic malpractice • Propaganda • Race baiting • Stupidity • Style • Systemic racism •Troll • Uncharitableness • Virtue signalling • Whining
Democrat plantation • Labor Unions • Liberals and friendship • Media elite • George Soros • Liberal quotient • Nihilism • Pornography • Public schools •

Vox Journalism

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